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House Of Diagnostics
Neurology Tests

Neurology Tests

Neurology tests are conducted to diagnose peripheral neuropathy. Depending on patient’s symptoms, medical history and physical examination, various tests are recommended as diagnostic measure.

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NCV - Nerve Conduction Velocity

Also called a nerve conduction study (NCS), the test finds out how fast an electrical impulse moves through the nerve. Healthy nerves transmit electrical signals more rapidly than damaged nerves. It allows your doctor to differentiate between a nerve disorder and a condition where a nerve injury has affected the muscles. Your doctor may advise this test to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, herniated disc disease, and muscle disorders.




EEG Test

An electroencephalogram (EEG) test is a painless test that tracks and records the brain’s electrical signals. In this test, small metal disks with electrodes (thin wires) are placed on your scalp. The attached computer then provides information regarding your brain’s activity. The neurons in our brain send and receive electrical signals to communicate with each other. An EEG can easily detect any problem associated with this activity. It can help diagnose conditions such as seizures, epilepsy, head injuries, dizziness, headaches, and sleeping problems. 




EMG - Electromyography

It is a diagnostic procedure that measures the electrical activity of the muscles and nerves. Nerve cells transmit electrical signals that cause muscles to contract and relax. An electromyography (EMG) test converts these signals into graphs and numbers. Your doctor may advise this test to find out the underlying cause of a muscle or nerve disorder, which includes numbness, tingling, and unexplained weakness in the limbs.




  • Electrodiagnostic tests - This measure the electrical activity of muscles and nerves. By measuring the electrical activity they are able to determine if there is nerve damage, the extent of the damage and potentially the cause of the damage. Frequently the neurologist will recommend common, non-invasive neurological evaluations such as Electroencephalogram Test (EEG Test), Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) testing.
  • Quantitative sensory testing (QST) - It is method for diagnosing peripheral nervous system disorders, including chronic pain and pain related to various diseases, such as Diabetes and CRPS. QST essentially determines the sensation and pain thresholds for cold and warm temperatures, and the vibration sensation threshold by stimulating the skin and comparing the results to normative values built in the software. When the stimulus activates stimuli-specific receptors; the nerve fibers that innervate the receptors communicate the stimuli’s message to the central nervous system, where feeling occurs.
  • Autonomic testing - Autonomic tests measure how the systems in the body that are controlled by the autonomic nerves respond to stimulation. The data collected during testing will indicate if the autonomic nervous system is functioning as it should, or if nerve damage has occurred. This painless, non-invasive test helps to determine if a patient is suffering from certain diseases that attack the autonomic nervous system, or as a way to diagnose an illness, or source of pain. 
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