Experience Home Collections in as early as 45 minutes* when you book with us online. *Subject to slot availability
Experience Home Collections in as early as 45 minutes* when you book with us online. *Subject to slot availability
Also Known As:
It is a non-invasive test that measures the electric signal produced at the visual cortex due to visual stimuli. Responses are recorded by placing electrodes at the back of your head and recording the readings on an electroencephalogram (EEG). Any abnormality that affects the brain's visual cortex can affect the visually evoked potential. Your doctor may advise this test if you show symptoms such as blurred vision, double vision flashing lights, loss of vision and weakness in the eyes.
VEP - Visual Evoked Potential
Wash your hair the night before the EEG Test, and don’t put any products (like sprays or gels) in your hair on the day of the test. Avoid eating or drinking anything containing caffeine for at least 8 hours before the EEG test.
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